Top 10 strongest coffees in the World.

People love coffee as it is one of those drinks that lots of people can’t do without. The day starts with cup of coffee and ends with an after-dinner coffee. There are so many things lovable about coffee: it keeps you awake; it calms your nerves; it is a great drink to keep warm; it keeps you relax and social drinking bolsters your self-confidence.


Coffee and caffeine

Found in cacao, coffee and tea plants, caffeine is a stimulant from nature. It revitalizes the brain and central nervous system so you stay alert and prevent the beginning of fatigue. The amount of caffeine in coffee depends on several factors, like: the type of coffee beans; kind of roasting; coffee type and the size of serving. An average cup of coffee has caffeine content ranging anywhere from 30–700 ml or 1 to 24 oz.


Top 10 strongest coffees in the world based on caffeine content


10. Peet’s Coffee Espresso

Peet’s Coffee & Tea in San Francisco gained its popularity for its special coffee. Their shop was the first to introduce the dark-roasted arabica coffee, such as French roast. Caffeine content of their espresso is 46.7 milligrams per fluid ounce. Peet’s Coffee & Tea is best for specialty coffee roaster and located at the popular San Francisco Bay area. The company is popular for being the first to introduce the darker type of roasted arabica coffees, like the French roast.


9. Biggby Espresso

Originally known as Beaner’s, Biggby is a privately owned franchise located in Michigan, Biggby is one of America’s most rapidly growing and thriving coffee chains. Their coffee is also one of the strongest brews. Two-fluid-ounce shot of espresso already contains 50 milligrams of caffeine per shot. Biggby’s coffees are sugarless and favored by diabetic patients. Visit Biggby Coffee sometime and enjoy their best fares. It is a privately-owned coffee franchise based in East Lansing, Michigan.


8. Starbucks Espresso

Starbucks’ espresso has 50 milligrams of caffeine per fluid ounce making them quite strong. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world with over 12,000 Starbucks in the US alone. You consider this gig as your favorite coffee place to bond with friends and meet people. Starting in 1971 as coffee bean roaster and retailer, Starbucks grew into a veritable global chain as it rapidly expanded. Today, Starbucks are found all over the world.


7. Killer Coffee

Killer Coffee does not kill but it is said to have “industrial strength”, and you can find several pretty delectable bundles on their website. Although the word ‘killer’ makes it sound pretty morbid, the caffeine content in this blend is not the highest in caffeine content for it is only 50.83. This is likely the product that you’ll want to try for future reference when you want to reduce coffee drinking or start the habit.


6. Black Insomnia

Go for Black Insomnia that boosts of 58.5 milligrams per fluid ounce of caffeine. Black Insomnia is considered as one of the strongest caffeinated coffees in the world today. Thanks to Cape Town’s Sean Krista who created this toxic but delicious brew. Do you know that Cape Town is famous for being called the world’s coffee capital? So it is no surprise that this is the matrix of this extraordinary concoction. Black Insomnia Coffee comes from the best beans grown in Brazil, Guatemala and Uganda. You can purchase this awesome coffee in several different varieties, including cold brew.



5. Death Wish Coffee

Another strongest coffee in the world with 54.2 milligrams per fluid ounce of caffeine is Death Wish Coffee. Despite its name, this coffee brand is always the favorite for its wonderful taste of robusta coffee beans that have much higher levels of caffeine compared with Arabica coffee beans. Arabica is the coffee most used commercially in coffee houses. For every 12-ounce of coffee cup, you will find an average of 660mg content of caffeine, or over 200% more caffeine than found in regular coffee drinks.


4. Biohazard Coffee

It is considered one of the world’s strongest coffees with 928 mg per12 fl ounces. Enjoy sleepless nights by actively participating in the joyous activity of the night. Beans are carefully selected and roasted to offer you this strongest coffee ever. The perfect dark roast leaves you feeling energetic and invincible to perform non-stop activity. Taste the perfect balance between excellent taste and aroma. Bursting with energy, you will feel like Alice in Resident Evil ready to slay all those roaming zombie and evil creatures. Drink and prove your point that Biohazard is the strongest coffee ever.


3. Banned Coffee

Banned coffee claims to be one of the world’s strongest coffees. 12oz of this stuff is the caffeine equivalent of five cups of normal coffee. Enjoy its great taste and intoxicating aroma. The body may seem heavy but it is smooth with no after bitter taste. It leaves you feeling bright and there is an after taste of berries and chocolate. According to coffee-drinkers, this is the cleanest tasting coffee ever. Join gourmet drinkers by pouring yourself a cup and savor the taste one of the strongest coffees in the world. These coffee beans grew in the lush forests of Columbia, Guatemala and Sumatra. The best coffee beans result from a mixture Robusta for strength and Arabica for the flavor and aroma. This magnificent and high end blend of rain forest friendly coffee beans ensures the unique quality, but the most important fresh quality of the coffee.


2. Costa Coffee cappuccino

This is the strongest cappuccino found in the big high street chains. The steam wand that is part of any espresso machine is used to froth the milk into “microfoam” that will be twice the volume amount of milk. Caffeine level is 154 mg per 12 fl. oz cup. Base it all on the amount used in the espresso shots. *1 shot of cappuccino is equal to 77mg; *double shot of cappuccino is equal to 154mg and * 3 shot of cappuccino is equal to 231mg. Ask your barista if you do not know the number of shots your local coffee shop uses in different sizes. The amount of caffeine in the cappuccino varies based on how accurate the shot are measured, how long the shot runs, and the coffee quality or type used.


1. F**king Strong Coffee

This extremely strong coffee is by Firebox. Per cup has140mg of caffeine. If you relish strong coffee, this is for you. It is packed and roasted at London’s roaster. You will love the powerful blending of Arabica, Brazilian and Honduran coffee in this complex and dark-roasted brew. Get full-bodied flavor powerful aroma of dark cocoa, liquorice and molasses complimented by a syrupy and dense body. Unlike other coffees, Fucking Strong Coffee gives what you expect and really need from a coffee. Pour yourself a steaming cup of coffee to kick-start your active day with a good dose of delectable and euphoria laden caffeine.



There is no bad coffee. All are good as long as you drink moderately. Anything in excess will destroy your health. Health is also your greatest concern. According to Mayo Clinic, caffeine is safe when taken only up to 400 mg of caffeine daily for most healthy adults. Over drinking strong coffee is risk for complaints such as fast heartbeat, frequent urination, insomnia, irritability, migraine headache, muscle tremors, restlessness and stomach upset. So there you are. Opt for your favorite strongest coffee drink but drink in moderation.