Pregnancy Test Buying Guide

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Why take pregnancy test?

It is every woman’s right to know if she is pregnant. She might be experiencing these telltale signs of pregnancy like: missed period; feeling cramps; soreness of breasts; obvious physical symptoms and contraceptive failure. However, she would still like to take the test to be sure of her condition.


Accurate and reliable pregnancy test

Even with the most effective birth control methods, there are always chances for error. After all, only a single sperm is needed to fertilize the egg. Questions on accuracy and reliability of home pregnancy test (HPT) have been asked to determine pregnancy. Pregnancy tests are allowed as early as four or five days before your period is due. Study the test packaging to find when it can be used; however, if your period is regular, you’ll know when your next period is due.


Am I pregnant? – Which test will I use?

Home pregnancy tests

Use the home pregnancy test (HPT) or an early pregnancy test on the first day during your missed period. The urine test already detected the presence of hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG hormone is only found in the body during pregnancy. When it comes into contact with a chemical in the stick, it changes color. Waiting times for home pregnancy test will vary depending on the test, but most take about 10 minutes to deliver an accurate reading.


Clinical urine test

Your doctor’s office can give you a clinical urine test. Although these tests are not as accurate as or better than HPT: but your doctor may guarantee there are no errors in the accuracy of the test. Urine test results are variable depending on which hospital you visit. However, results are expected within a week after taking the test.


Blood test

These tests are taken at your doctor’s office. Your blood will be tested by laboratory to detect HCG. Two types of pregnancy blood tests are:


Qualitative blood HCG blood test investigates the presence of any HCG products in the body. The answer is simply affirmative or negative in case of pregnancy.

Quantitative blood HCG test measures the exact amount of HCG in the blood. They can detect smaller amounts of the hormone better than a qualitative HCG blood test or a urine test.


Blood tests are usually more expensive than home tests, and you have to wait longer for your results. It takes more than a week, and sometimes two for blood test results to be delivered.


How accurate are the home pregnancy tests?

A 99% accurate is claimed by many home pregnancy tests; however, research suggests that many home pregnancy tests do not have the sensitivity to tell if a woman is pregnant who have recently missed a period. For the most reliable results, wait to take the test until one week after your missed period.


How early can you get signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Three weeks after fertilization, most women don’t feel any change but some notice a tiny “implantation spotting” or feel early signs of pregnancy such as easily exhausted, soreness of breasts, vomiting/ sensitivity to odors, food aversions, and more frequent visits to the ladies room.


If you are sure to be pregnant then it is indeed a happy news you want to share with your family for less than nine months after you will be holding your bundle of joy.


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