All-Purpose Household Cleaner Buying Guide
Know your all-purpose cleaner An all-purpose cleaner is an agent that cleanses; usually come in liquid form and has the tough job of removing from the surface all the dirt, grime, oil, mud and stains. Some all-purpose cleaners need to be diluted in water, some are scrubbed and rinsed while […]

All-Purpose Household Cleaner Buying Guide

Cell Phone Solar Charger Buying Guide
Own a prize winning device Winning first place at “EU Sustainable energy week” in the consuming category, the solar phone charger is proud of its achievement. And it will be good news to all if solar charger will be made available free to the public if ever it is permanently […]

Cell Phone Solar Charger Buying Guide

Pregnancy Test Buying Guide
Why take pregnancy test? It is every woman’s right to know if she is pregnant. She might be experiencing these telltale signs of pregnancy like: missed period; feeling cramps; soreness of breasts; obvious physical symptoms and contraceptive failure. However, she would still like to take the test to be sure […]

Pregnancy Test Buying Guide

Cat Brush Buying Guide
Cat brush suits hair type To keep pet grooming a positive experience, it’s important to match the tool to your needs; it means choose a cat brush based on your cat’s hair. Moulting cat comb detangles knots and prevents mats from forming; short and sleek haired cats can be groomed […]

Cat Brush Buying Guide

Dog Treat Buying Guide
Dog treat bonds people and pet People love to give their dogs treats and dogs love these treats. In a way it makes bonding between humans and pet, and that’s a good thing. You can still give your dog treats but just give them one at a time.   How […]

Dog Treat Buying Guide

Power Tiller Buying Guide
How it works Each tine (set of blades) has four blades alternately curving in opposite directions. Number one blade and number three have curves pointing towards tiller. Number two blades and number four have curves pointing away to the tiller. Some tines are pointing inward while the tines of heavy […]

Power Tiller Buying Guide