Hair Roller Buying Guide

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There are few different products out there to help you get wavy or curly hair. These devices use heat and ergonomic design to help you curl your hair and keep it that way. There are different approaches to the process, as some curlers don’t use heat, but are designed to shape your hair by holding it in place for long periods of time.


Hot Rollers

One of the ways rollers are able to change the way your hair is, is by applying the correct amount of heat to your hair. The heat and the way the hair is wrapped around the roller is what define how curly your hair will be. Smaller rollers will make it curlier, while larger rollers will make it wavier. Make sure to check if you have the right size of roller, or a kit that has everything you need before you buy it.


Foam Curlers

These are flexible, cylindrical rods made out of foam that will help you style your hair in different ways. They can be used on both dry and wet hair. The point is to condition your hair into being held in a particular way.

You can find these rods in varying length to suit the length of your hair. They come in different colors so you can look fabulous as you wait for the curlers to set your hair to just the right kind of curl. You can buy these and other fabric based curlers online for between $8 and $20 for a pack of 40+ rods.


Titanic and Ceramic Rollers

These hot rollers can help you get the dynamic curls that you want. You can get the big wavy curls or the small and tiny curls that go many times over. With different temperature settings available on these curlers and ionic generators that reduce frizz, they might be exactly what you need.

These hot curlers are designed to give just the right kind of heat to your hair, without damaging them. Titanic and ceramic rollers are more expensive than the other kind, but they last longer and have many more features to offer. Typically a set of ceramic rollers costs above $30 and can get very expensive with the big brands.


Sleep Curlers

Need something to help style your hair while you sleep? There are velcro curlers and memory fern rollers that can help you with that. These make sure you have something soft and comfortable underneath your hair so that you can sleep peacefully.

Big bulky rollers which could be painful if you rollover can be left for the heavy duty stuff. When you sleep, just attach the velcro curler and forget about it till you wake up in the morning.


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