Treadmills Buying Guide

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A Healthier Approach to Life

Back in the day, treadmills were only found in sports clubs, gyms and plush fitness centres. Today, these machines are present in residential and commercial settings. Many consumers are in the market for treadmills for home use so they can customize their physical activity and workout experience without a sweat. More and more people love the idea of working out within the comfort of their homes especially when the weather isn’t suitable for an outdoor running trail.


If you’ve decided to purchase your own treadmill, congratulations! You just took the very first step towards fitter, healthier life. However, you should also remember that purchasing a treadmill is more than just stepping foot into your retail store and get one. There are practically hundreds of features, makes and prices of treadmills out there. Knowing the features that are more important to you is the first step to finding the right treadmill for you.


Let’s begin with the basic – there are two types of treadmills. Manual machine is powered by the user’s energy. This machine tends to be inexpensive, light and easy to store. As the runner steps foot on the belt, the person’s weight will provide the friction required for the treadmills belt to turn over its rollers. Manual models are equipped with side rails to provide support as the user walks or jogs in the platform. The speed of the belt will entirely depend on the runner’s speed.


Motorized or electronic models come with more advanced features compared to manual. They are electrically powered, usually heavier, and less portable but they provide superior workout experience. Electronic treadmills work with the motor that turns on its own power under the user’s feet operating the treadmills belt. The speed in electronic treadmills is adjustable which allows users to customize their exercise routine and workout at controlled speed. Motorized models come with control console that will allow users to slow down or speed up. Electronic treadmills are highly suitable for multiple users by providing pre-programmed features of varying difficulty for beginners and advanced runners.


Treadmill Technologies – Make It Less Boring!

Treadmill technology is another purchase consideration you should take into account when buying a treadmill. Manufacturers produce treadmills that would meet specific requirements and users. When choosing a treadmill, make sure to check the minimum and maximum speed your equipment can support. For advanced runners, they may need to pay a little more in order to own a more powerful machine with a maximum speed of 13 – 19 KPH. Good quality treadmills should also come with programmable and built-in exercise console features in order to meet specific needs and interest of different users.


Aside from technical features, you should also make personal considerations such as your budget, space and the number of people who are going to use the machine. Treadmills can range from affordable models to expensive makes – as with anything you want to get premium quality that you can afford. A well-chosen treadmill should be comfortable, easy to use, quiet and durable enough to last a long time. If you want to invest for treadmills with great motors, stability and workout options you can shop from the leading brands.


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