Baby Formula Buying Guide

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Everyone accepts the fact that breast milk is the best but baby formulas have always been a great help to mothers on a global scale. It is a way to give the baby milk when breast milk supply is low. Babies with sensitive stomachs will be able to get the nutrition they require without you having to worry about difficult foods and allergens.


How to choose baby formula

It is important to understand the types of formula available so that you can pick the best one that suits the requirements of your baby. Baby milk formula comes in three main types – Powdered, concentrated liquid and ready-to-use.


Powdered Formula

Powdered baby formula usually comes inside a can with a scoop. This is the best budget friendly option for infant formula.


Concentrated liquid formula

This is poured out from a container to use. Note that concentrated liquids are a bit more expensive than the usual powdered formulas. But these are great options for when you’re travelling or for when the baby is with a sitter. It needs to be diluted with water because it is concentrated. Bottled water should be used for this.


Ready to use formula

These are chosen for their convenience. You don’t have to add water. This is the most expensive out of all the three options. But it is extremely easy to use when you’re on the go. This formula will also help prevent constipation in babies when compared to powdered formulas.

These are the forms that infant formula comes in. There are many other specialty baby formulas out there. Let’s take a look.


Cow’s milk protein formula

This type of protein baby formula is the most commonly used. It imitates a mother’s milk by design and uses cow’s milk as a protein base.


Organic baby formula

Organic baby formula is made from organic products and do not use any GMO ingredients. They can be dairy based using goat or cow’s milk to mimic the natural breast milk. These is a lack of possible pesticide contamination and it reduces the risk of harm side effects on the health of the baby.


Soy baby formula

This formula replaces the cow’s milk with a soy base for the protein requirements. It removes both lactose and dairy from the mix. They often use glucose instead of lactose. However, soy based formulas shouldn’t be used for premature babies. Babies suffering from galactosemia or lactose intolerance can have these formulas.


Dairy free formula

This type of formula is recommended for babies who have milk allergies. This can include soy formulas as well but a lot of babies that are allergic to cow’s milk won’t be able to consume soy either. Dairy free formulas consist of amino acid formulas made from proteins broken down into a simple form.


Hypoallergenic formulas

Partially hydrolyzed formulas go through a process where the milk protein in the formula is broken down partially, making it easier to digest the formula.

Based on the above information, you need to make a choice based on the baby’s specific requirements. Speak to a doctor before taking a decision on the baby’s nutrition.


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