WiFi Range Extender Buying Guide

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Wi-Fi solution

The solution for you to finally use your tablet in the family room or set up a gaming station in the basement is to install wireless range extender or a Wi-Fi repeater. This device uses the best in both wired and wireless technologies by bringing a wireless signal to any place in your home where coverage of the network is weak or non-existing. So here is a solution for your problem in WiFi delivery.


Types of range extenders

The dual band Wi-Fi range extender

In terms of signal, it provides better strength in the more remote locations of your home or distant office and this device can be quickly added existing network that are already running.


The wireless signal repeater

An easy, simple and straightforward solution can increase the range of your router. You might have seen the device often in wired connections where it works as a bridge for it is so affordable for everyone.


Mobile Wi-Fi booster

Mobile Wi-Fi booster is small and compact and will easily get fit in the side pocket of your jeans. However, these devices are made to be used alongside the other portable resources such as smartphones.


Why you need WiFi booster?

1. There are areas in your home known as dead spots or dead zones as they don’t get any WiFi signals.

2. There are areas in your home that have slow WiFi just as you can’t stream a video in the kitchen or Facebook time in the living room.

3. Get the WiFi with the most speed as they can also be used to add faster speed and even add new features to your WiFi network.

4. A single wireless router cannot cover a large home particularly when it is weakened by other factors in home like concrete.

5. You want WiFi signal booster outside in the veranda located at the rear part of your house, outdoor by the poolside, in front of your yard, or maybe in a gazebo in your garden.


What to look for in a WiFi Booster?

In the WiFi booster you will buy, make sure you select one with dual band and not a single band booster, as the dual this will increase the reach of your internet connection while keeping up with its speed. Opt for a booster that can deliver 5GHz as most routers use the 2.4GHz band so you will notice most likely the biggest difference between these. When utilized efficiently, a booster can ensure smoother connections and maximum speed.


Purchase your WiFi extender as this device functions as a loudspeaker or a fixlink in some ways. After upgrading the network in every corner of your home, it can even be heard by your neighbors. What this device exactly does is to extend the range of your Wi-Fi. You only have to plug the extender within the coverage of your router area or halfway from it.


Wi-Fi repeater will simply create coverage so you can wander and go to different places of your house and there will still be a connection. WiFi signal booster is easy to install, safe, and 100% effective. Extend your Wi-Fi coverage today!


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