Sesame Oil Buying Guide

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History of Sesame oil

Sesame oil is a gingelly vegetable oil from sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are those tiny bits of pits you can usually find your burger bun. Sesame oil is basically derived from these seeds by toasting, drying and crushing the seeds to extract the oil.

This laborious process is one of the earliest ways people in Africa and India get their oil for cooking. Today, sesame oil has gained global popularity for its other uses and benefits.


Sesame Oil for cooking

More than just an oil to fry on, sesame oil is full of natural vitamins and essential minerals that provide added nutrition to our food. It has anti-oxidant properties that help protect our bodies from free radicals due to pollution, smoking and exposure to other chemicals.

Sesame oil also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help combat bacterial infection and help reduce pain in case of injuries or wounds. It contains fatty acids like Omega-9 and Omega-3 that helps increase “good” cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol for overall good health.

Finally, using sesame oil for cooking will help keep you young because of its anti-ageing properties.


Sesame oil benefits

Sesame oil is more than just a cooking ingredient. It is used for a variety of healthy purposes. For one, sesame oil benefits your skin with its bioactive elements that eradicate the pathogens that enter your pores. When applied to the skin, its zinc nutrients stimulate collagen production for skin elasticity.

When applied in your hair, its vitamins B and E components other nutrients like magnesium and phosphorous nourish hair and scalp which helps in maintaining hair color and preventing hair fall and loss. This is precisely why sesame oil is commonly used as a massage oil for its therapeutic benefits.

Other lesser known sesame oil benefits included its use as an alternative to tooth brushing. People from olden time use sesame oil as their dental hygiene product to keep their mouth fresh and free of cavities. Another important sesame oil benefit is ability to regulate a healthy bowel movement. Taking one or two tablespoons of sesame oil can help you conquer your constipation.


Toasted sesame oil

Whereas a regular sesame oil is extracted from dried raw seeds. Toasted sesame oil is taken from pressed toasted seeds. The toasting process add a unique nutty flavor and scent to the sesame oil. This extra zest and aroma provides additional appetizing taste to your food.

While toasted sesame oil is primarily used for cooking, it can also be used by applying it to your hair, skin or by digesting it to provide you with the same health benefits. Toasted sesame oil however has become a common way to make home-made sesame oil concoction.

People can make a sesame oil by toasting sesame seeds in a pan or baking them until they turn golden brown. After cooling the seeds, they are added in a sunflower oil for another cooking then mixed in a blender to crush the seeds. You can then pour the contents in a bottle and leave it to settle. And presto, you have your home made sesame oil.


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